
Posts Tagged ‘Mindset’

I know how you feel…believe me, I know. We’ve all been there. Call it a funk. Call it a lousy market. Call it a complete and total void of mojo. However you slice it, we all go through the ups and downs of this fantastic yet altogether maddening business called Real Estate.

Here are just a couple of things you might want to keep in mind when your motivation tank is bone dry:

First and probably most important, the lack of “go” that you feel is temporary. I’m not a medical doctor, but I’d bet that there’s some wierd chemical in our bodies that causes the feeling that we just want to crawl back into bed. Being kind of logically-minded (we call that being a high “C” around here), when I feel like I want to cry like my colleague in the photo above, I remind myself that how I’m feeling is, lousy though it may be, is going to pass and the superstars of the business world just push through the pain. For me, keeping that mindset, reminding myself to just push on, usually results in feeling my normal self in less than a day…and sometimes in just a few hours.

Second, you need to know, and this is the God’s honest truth, that EVERYBODY feels this way on occassion. Trust me. I have asked and yes, even those perplexing, ever smiling, never sad, seemingly can-do-no-wrong among us feel this way too every now and then. It just seems that their exceptional mindset helps them to overcome the temporary funk quicker than most of us.

Third, and this is big, the more you surround yourself with positive, energetic, supportive and succesful people, the less often you’ll feel the funk and, when you do, the quicker you’ll soar out of it.

If all else fails, just bookmark this post and remember that no matter how crummy you feel, it probably pales in comparison to the torture that’s going through that poor kid’s mind in the picture. Remember…it could always be worse. The reason God invented bootstraps is so that we could have something to pull ourselves up by. Just grab’em and yank hard. Call me if that doesn’t work.

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